Notification Settings
The OcuTrap system supports different types of notifications for each trap. These notifications help you stay informed and take action as needed.
Error Triggered when a trap encounters an error or fails to operate as expected.
Alert Activated to provide warnings or important updates regarding a trap's performance.
Capture Notifies you when a trap successfully captures or detects the intended target.
Notification Options
When configuring notifications, you can choose from the following delivery options:
No Notification No alert will be sent.
Email An email will be sent to your registered email address.
Push Notification A push notification will be sent to your mobile app (if installed).
Push Notification + Email Both a push notification and an email will be sent.
How to Configure Notification Settings
To configure the notification settings for your traps:
Open your OcuTrap dashboard.
Locate the trap you wish to modify.
Click the Settings button for that trap.
Select your preferred option for each notification type (Error, Alert, Capture) from the drop-down menu.
Ensure that your mobile app is installed and properly configured if you choose the push notification option.
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